Phraser is a keyboard extension made for iOS. It lets you save information that you often use, and easily insert it whenever needed.

The app was a learning experience into the world of native applications with the addition of Swift and the recent update to iOS, allowing developers access to the iOS keyboard.

Phraser was a success with great feedback and feature requests.

Bullet is a Bulletin Board made for iOS and tvOS.

It allows users to share what is on their minds - ideas, experiences, information.. whatever they desire. Shared Posts will then go on to be showed on the Apple TV in the reception, the hallway or at the center of the event, sharing the users' posts.

The aim is to also make it available to Android and Chromecast.

"Escaping Blocks 2: The Prequel" the prequel to the original "Escaping Blocks", in which you play the stickman, in the days before the collapse of his pixel world.

The player has to reach as far as possible in the pixel world, without hitting any of the obstacles along his way..

The longer the player reaches, the faster the game goes. You will have to be quick and precise with your jumping skills, jumping over gaps and off walls, to reach new distances.

Blip is a game of Ping Pong in classic Atari Pong style. Blip is a modern take on the Pong game, where players can easily enjoy the game on the big screen.

Apart from on the surface being a simple game, it was an experiment to learn more about the SpriteKit and MultipeerConnectivity frameworks that both iOS and tvOS runs.